Deploying A Windows Virtual Machine (vm) In Microsoft Azure And Connecting To It Via The Remote Desktop Protocol (rdp).
Here's how to deploy Windows 11 Pro a Virtual Machine (VM) in Microsoft Azure and connect to it via Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP):
Sign in to the Azure Portal: Log in to your Azure account through the Azure Portal.
On the Azure portal dashboard, click the “Virtual Machines" button.
Note --> Remember to create your Resource Group & Give it a preferred name. Your Virtual Machine will be placed inside your Resource Group.
Select “Azure Virtual Machine” under the “Create” drop-down button to create a Virtual Machine hosted by Azure.
Select your subscription. To organize your resources, create or choose a resource group as earlier noted. Enter a name for the virtual machine. Select a deployment region. Select an Availiabitly Zone. Choose the Windows 11 pro image from the "Image" menu. Select a VM size to support the workload that you want to run.
Enter a username for the VM in the "Administrator account" section. For the administrator account, create a strong password.
Optional settings include disk, networking, and management. Allow RDP traffic by opening port 3389 (RDP) in the inbound port rules.
Review + Create:
Examine your virtual machine configuration. To begin the deployment process, click the "Create" button. Delay Deployment:
Azure will deploy the VM based on your configuration. Wait for the deployment to finish. Go to the Resource to obtain the assigned Public IP Address:
Go to the VM's details page after it has been deployed. Take note of the VM's public IP address. Connect Using Remote Desktop:
You can connect to your VM in two ways: download and open the RDP file from the Azure portal on your local Windows machine, or open the "Run" dialog on your local Windows machine, and press Windows + R. To launch the Remote Desktop Connection application, type "mstsc" and press Enter. Connection to a remote desktop:
In the Remote Desktop Connection window, in the "Computer" field, enter the VM's public IP address. Select the "Connect" option. Authentication:
Enter the username and password you specified when you created the Windows VM. If this is your first connection, you may see a security warning. Accept it in order to proceed. RDP Meeting:
Once connected, you'll see the virtual machine's Windows desktop on your local machine. You can now interact with the VM as if you were directly using it. That's all! You have successfully deployed a Windows virtual machine in Azure and connected to it via RDP.
Note --> Always remember to shut down and disconnect your virtual machine's IP address to avoid overcharging costs, and to delete the VM when it is no longer needed.